Navigating Life Transitions: Finding Empowerment & New Perspectives From A San Francisco Therapist

In and of itself, transitions are as natural as the air we breathe. Nothing stays the same. Should a caterpillar be denied transition, the butterfly would never develop. While some might relish in the idea of life transitions, others lose their sense of identity in the actual moments. They find it difficult to grieve what once was, in order to appreciate and enjoy what is now.

It is these pivotal moments that define us, who we are, and where we are headed. The reality is that we are always in a state of transition, from one moment to the next. However, when an individual has formed a sense of their identity tied to a specific life role that is suddenly upturned, it is not surprising that an existential crisis would follow.

Coping with Identity Shifts & Loss That Come With Life Transitions

Image of a woman in a yellow sweater holding her head. Showing someone that is struggling with life transitions. With support of a life transition therapist in San Francisco she can find empowerment in this time of her life.

An individual who has prided themselves as a spouse, a parent, their place in a specific career they achieved, is it so unnatural that they may feel completely adrift at sea? Especially when they suddenly have no spouse or children to care for? No career. Health fades. As their life begins to alter, they may begin to question life choices, and perhaps even roads not taken.

Death, divorce, illness, empty nest, retirement, and unemployment. The burden of caring for an elder. Or perhaps being the elder in need of care? Each of these life transitions creates a significant emotional response, and understandable correlating grief surrounding a significant loss. The goal of treatment is designed to assist the individual in finding the answer to the very question of, “Who Am I Now?”

Gaining Empowerment From Therapy

At the core of cognitive behavioral therapy, as a form of life transition therapy, we assist clients in discovering how our thoughts play a significant role in the course of why we feel, think, and behave the way we do. We can assist in helping you begin to understand yourself as a unique individual, your values and motivations, and how to find your way on this new life path in life that you have begun.

To process what you have lost, and discover what you can gain. The road ahead does not have to be feared, it can be explored with new supports and new insights, and in the end, a whole new perspective can be formed. The butterfly can emerge, wings take flight, and the world becomes as beautiful and majestic, as it was perhaps once viewed as dark, colorless, and feared as the bleak unknown.

Transitions are merely the next step in our evolution and a signature of life’s journey and movement forward. We are open and excited to support you through your journey.

About the Author, Leah Edwards: A Life Transitions Therapist in San Francisco

Image of Leah Edwards, a Life transition therapist in San Francisco, California. Showing who you could have life transition counseling with.

Leah is a licensed Life Transitions Therapist. She works with an all-inclusive population: children, teens, and adults. Leah has over seven years of experience in the field. Outside of the practice, she currently works as an adjunct professor. She teaches college and life success skills. Previously, she taught other courses such as parenting and anger management.

Leah's philosophy with life transition counseling is personal empowerment. Clients take an active role in their own therapeutic experience. Leah works with a variety of relationship dynamics: including family, couples, and polyamorous relationships. Leah incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy, humor, mindfulness, meditation, art therapy, and play therapy into her practice. These approaches help clients explore healthy ways to address trauma, anxiety, depression, sexuality, sexual health, grief, and life transitions.

Leah believes that each individual has specific needs. At Online Therapy California she works to create a course of treatment that best fits the client. This includes incorporating and addressing the physical, mental, spiritual, social, and academic/professional areas of self-care, personal empowerment, and overall life satisfaction.

Start Life Transitions Therapy in San Francisco, California

Image of a woman in a blue sweater standing on the beach looking peaceful. Represent someone who benefited from life transition counseling in San Francisco, California. Life transitions can become something for growth with support of a therapist.

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth? Take the first step towards embracing life transitions and finding empowerment. Our experienced Life Transitions Therapists are here to guide you through the challenges of change. At Online Therapy California we will work together to explore new perspectives and transform your life's transitions. So that you can turn them into opportunities for growth. Embrace the butterfly within you and soar to new heights.

Other Online Therapy Services We Offer in San Francisco & Around California

We offer a variety of services at Online Therapy California. That includes anxiety treatment, depression counseling, and stress management therapy. As well as online counseling for postpartum depression and perinatal support and more.


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